What Is Gingivitis?

Are you experiencing red, irritated, or otherwise painful gums? Do you brush and floss regularly, but this seems to only aggravate the problem? If so, you might be suffering from a common, relatively mild form of gum disease called “gingivitis.” But what is gingivitis? What are the symptoms? And how can you treat and prevent it?

If you have been asking yourself, “What is gingivitis?” look no further. Dr. Marcus Black, D.D.S., has a long history of diagnosing and treating gingivitis with general dentistry services in AR!

What Is Gingivitis?: Identification

Identifying gingivitis is not especially tricky, but it can be tricky if you do not know what you are looking for. Let’s start with the most basic definition of what is gingivitis, and then have a look at the common symptoms and causes.

Simply put, gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums (called the “gingiva”) that usually occurs around the gumline. This sort of inflammation is widespread, and although it requires consistent care, with the proper information and tools, it is also easy to treat.

However, the early phases of gingivitis are not always noticeable to the individual suffering from the condition. By the time you have reached the point of asking, “What is gingivitis?” you are likely already noticing symptoms. And this is why it is so important to see a dentist regularly.

What is Gingivitis?: Causes

Gingivitis is almost always the result of poor oral hygiene and a lack of preventative dental care in Rogers, AR. More specifically, it is the result of the build-up of the plaque where the gums meet the teeth. When you fail to remove plaque with regular brushing and flossing, the plaque hardens into tartar, which must be removed professionally. Without proper maintenance, plaque can harden to tartar in only a few days, so it is essential that you brush and floss regularly, and take care of both your teeth and your gumline.

But whatever the cause of your gingivitis, it is vital that you consult an experienced dentist who can assess and treat it.

Call Marcus Black, D.D.S. Today

Thankfully, gingivitis is very treatable if you catch it early. Letting it go untreated, however, can lead to tooth loss, as well as to more severe forms of gum disease. If you have been asking yourself, “What is gingivitis?” it is worth making an appointment to see if the symptoms you are experiencing are associated with gum disease.

Marcus Black, D.D.S offers a variety of services, including:

The team at Marcus Black, D.D.S., has decades of experience treating gingivitis. And whether you need advice on how to prevent gingivitis, need help identifying it, or just need help preventing it, we are here to help. Contact us today by calling 479.464.0900, and make unhealthy teeth and gums a thing of the past!

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